The order in grace as in judgment is the Jew first, then the Gentile.

They were people clearly tormented by an idea. cit., p. 271. 13, 14) and of the cardinal "four" (vv. What hindered an earlier action by these angelic ministers of God's providence we are not informed. Demon worship is here distinguished from that of lifeless idols made of various materials.

These were evil angels, or they would not have been bound. [68] Isbon T. Beckwith, op. cit., p. 561. But only such men as have not the seal of God ... Our studies in Revelation 7 revealed this "seal" as the blessed Holy Spirit in the lives of God's people. This portion of the chapter (Daniel 11:36-45) is yet future, carrying us on to the time of the end (Daniel 11:40). The Lord Himself refers to the Antichrist and to his acceptance by the Jews as their messiah and prophet (John 5:43). These military expeditions are under the direction of Satan. There is at the most but a general resemblance, and fulfilment in the past of the visions and prophecies there is not.

"[77] Although man's awful wickedness may result in the most terrifying disasters upon the whole world, some may find in such things the incentive and the occasion of their repentance and turning to God. — We have had the number of the invisible leaders, four; now both the reader and the Seer are informed as to the number of the invading and avenging host, stated to be "twice ten thousand times ten thousand," or two hundred millions. Bibliography InformationCoffman, James Burton. — "And there went up smoke out of the pit as (the) smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit." There is a haste and a wildness in the mighty rush here presented, and an all-devouring character of action prominently displayed in their first appearance, very unlike the character of action in the last Trumpet. Some of them were then put to death, but not many; the rest were closely imprisoned. The course of prophecy is resumed in connection with the last of Daniel's 70 weeks or 490 years (Daniel 9:27), and after the translation of the heavenly saints (1 Thessalonians 4:17). [73] Britannica World Language Dictionary Edition of Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary (New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company). It is evident that Paul had personally instructed the Thessalonian Christians on the solemn subjects of the coming apostasy or public abandonment of Christianity, and, consequent thereon, the revelation of the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2:5). Revelation 9:20-21. Conditions will not become progressively better and better, but steadily worse and worse. and Claudius, especially the former, as precursors of the Antichrist. That they should not worship devils — The invocation of departed saints, whether true, or false, or doubtful, or forged, crept early into the Christian church, and was carried farther and farther; and who knows how many who are invoked as saints are among evil, not good, angels; or how far devils have mingled with such blind worship, and with the wonders wrought on those occasions? [29] W. Boyd Carpenter, op.

The kernel of the Levitical system was the brazen altar — the altar of sacrifice. The Antichrist yet to come will head up under Satan the most awful combination of soul-destroying and blasphemous doctrines conceivable. Note the resemblance of the hellish horsemen to the locusts; they are the "locusts" come of age! They should be tormented for five months ... Breastplates .

"[32] The other half will appear in the next woe (Revelation 9:13f). For the desolation caused by a locust plague see Exodus 10:12-15.}. And it was given to them that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months; and their torment (was) as (the) torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man.

Rome fell A.D. 476. The "tail" of the serpent is the expression of malignant influence, falsehood, mischief (Isaiah 9:15; Revelation 12:4). The rich have their gods of gold and silver, the middle class have theirs of brass and stone, while the poor are equally provided for in idols of wood. 1. cit., p. 147. But this we conceive is a blunder. Instead of disappearing, the hurt enters Phase II in the sixth trumpet (See under Revelation 9:13). Any characteristic thought that appears in one, may be carried through all its members."[53]. Judicial plagues upon men's circumstances are one thing, but dealing with the men themselves, the open and declared enemies of God and of His saints, is a very different matter. One sees similar dupes screaming, protesting, demonstrating, and snarling in almost every presentation of news media coverage of world events. Toward the beginning of the sixth century, Mar Rab Isaac, president of the academy, was put to death. The word has several meanings, and each one of them is suggestive of the terror here described: (1) It is a bulbous plant of the lily family having spike-like flowers, suggesting the weapons of ancient warfare. These locusts are not symbols of invisible demons, but of very evil, visible, and destructive men advocating the delusions of hell itself. He sits in the temple of God then set up in Jerusalem, and claims divine worship. Apollyon is Greek, and signifies the destroyer. If Satan were completely free to work his wicked plans, the entire populations of earth would not survive for thirty days, but would be utterly and ruthlessly destroyed, the same having been the invariable purpose of the devil from the Garden of Eden until this very instant. Ten million Jews alone were destroyed, to say nothing of forty million others.

The Antichrist sets himself in direct opposition to what is vital in Christianity — the revelation of the Father and of the Son — and also to the distinguishing truth of Judaism — Jesus the Christ (1 John 2:22).

Daniel in chapter 11 of his prophecy refers to three kings: The king of the north (Syria); the king of the south (Egypt); and the king in Palestine (the Antichrist). As Morris said, "It is clear that John is speaking of a divine plan.

[41] Robert H. Mounce, The Book of Revelation (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. The former is doomed to everlasting desolation.

Its founder was, without doubt, devil inspired. [37] Douglas Ezell, Revelations on Revelation (Waco: Word Books, 1977), p. 51. But these satanic invaders from the smoke of the pit are not really crowned, nor is real gold in question. Hostile armies, especially cavalry, are in the Sacred Writings symbolised by locust invasion (Joel 2:1-32; Jeremiah 51:27).

[11] And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. 45.} "[59] Ellicott, Barnes, and others refer the fifth and sixth trumpets to the two great Muslim invasions culminating in the fall of Constantinople in 1453. [21] Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

There are a lot of "tormented" people today; and it should be kept in mind that this is only Phase I of the locust saga. It is an impossibility to square these prophetic visions with the facts of history.

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