"I thought you were supposed to com me if you needed anything." Wildwing cried, blushing. Kinda reminds me of the pillow fight we had when he was five. In the end Wildwing decided that he didn't care and was just content to have Nosedive curled up beside him, safe and sound. . He blinked, his eyes full of confusion. Wildwing looked up at Mallory just in time to see her frown as she took in which bed he was seated on. "We thought you were under attack or something." Wildwing sighed yet again. He would've done it anyways, afraid that Wildwing might hurt himself. . Wildwing/Mallory; Wildwing Flashblade; Nosedive Flashblade; Mallory McMallard; Tanya Vanderflock; Grin Hardwing; Duke L'Orange; Parallel Universes; Sacrifice; Order and Chaos; Summary. She'll skin you alive." At least I knew I had some chance of surviving being slammed to the pavement. Wildwing asked, reluctant to go back to bed. Wildwing pulled the covers tighter around his brother's sleeping form, watching him tenderly. Nosedive smiled softly as he looked back into the room, fully expecting that Wildwing would have drifted off back to sleep in the exact same fashion he had. Wildwing replied, closing his eyes. Mallory glared at his back as Tanya and Duke both shook their heads. . Duke looked to him. Nosedive knew his brother would fall back asleep almost instantly. All of my other captains thought of their teammates as tools to reach their goals, not as real, living ducks! "You know that I stay up late and that we share a room! "Just because I couldn't believe in my abilities as team captain." "Make me a sandwich?" "Thank you!" He held out his hand as well, expectantly. Tanya groaned, burying her face in her hands. And it's going to have multiple chapters, yeah! He asked her again, and she nodded once more, turning to look at Nosedive. . "We taped him to his bed." . "Ah ah ah. Dive winced and looked around wildly before realizing that Wildwing had merely stepped on him. The only reason, sometimes. He knows his place on the team, and what I expect of him, even if he sometimes disobeys orders. It was then he remembered that the movie was still playing, so he used the controller to turn it, and the tv, off. Yes, there are plushies. . Nosedive nodded, his shoulders shaking with his laughter as he doubled over, unable to stand up anymore. Which usually meant doing something with Nosedive, and subsequently, Nosedive found himself having less and less time for. . Mallory tried to speak, to say anything that might comfort him, but her mind was blank. . She's just not used to being close to people, I guess. Nosedive snorted as he walked into the kitchen and got out a box of sugary cereal, actually coherent in the morning for a change. I think he wanted to be there for me and for himself. "We thought about it." Mallory normally turned in early, especially before midnight and she would've only stayed up if she thought she had something important to do. "Mallory, what is it?" Duke glared at the boy, watching him as he rolled around on the floor with laughter. "I'm not allowed to lift anything above twenty pounds. I'd be the butt of their jokes for a week, probably longer. "It is the truth, though." "You weren't supposed to realize I wasn't in my bed." Mallory erscheint sehr temperamentvoll. Author's Note: I'm evil, hehe. . "Ha. (People literally can experience short-term mental illness if they don't sleep enough. Wildwing frowned and Nosedive laughed. . 'Cause you knew I had a possibility of survival while you didn't. God, I thought he was dead! Wildwing laughed, causing Nosedive to stir slightly and mumble under his breath. The team wouldn't have nearly died for his stupidity." Wildwing smiled, letting his eyes drift closed. "No, you're not. Dive glared at her, pouring his milk. "That's what I'm afraid of -- I'm not strong enough to be depended on like that. =P They were tired and weren't thinking. Wildwing shook his head and hugged Nosedive closer as he gently picked the boy up, swaying as he rose unsteadily to his feet. He'd been dying to play Diablo II, something he would NEVER admit to on his life, but he really wasn't all that interested in playing it by himself. And Tanya enjoys the fact that Nosedive's a very fast learner and has shown interest in what she does, even helping her in building or repairing inventions of hers. Nosedive glared at Duke, not liking the light one bit and fully blaming the eldest member of the team for his temporary blindness. Wildwing, I've served in the military for a good number of years under various leaders, and you're the best team captain that I've ever had. Isn't that the definition of family? Somehow, he didn't really mind watching over his older brother all that much. She cursed fate and sighed, walking to the door. His voice gave away the fact that he was still reluctant. "I got some photo shoot or something early tomorrow morning. ." This was last ever "Mighty Ducks" story, and it was written around 2002. "So much for me being fully coherent for it." Slowly he made his way to the other side of the room, silently thanking Tanya that she had made the bunks with adjustable heights, so that Wildwing didn't have to stand on his toes to get Nosedive onto his bunk. Straight off to bed for you, mister!" "I thought Tanya confined you to two i>weeks/i> of bedrest." Don't you?" Staring up at Wildwing, Nosedive merely sat there for a few minutes, his train of thought slowly unravelling as another few braincells were claimed by sleep. Tanya let out a long, frustrated sigh. "Besides, I don't think he'll mind all that much -- He did nearly loose you." . He smiled again as he placed his brother's head onto the pillow, pulling the up the covers so Nosedive would be warm. Nosedive knew that Wildwing would never let any of them come true without a fight. . Despite the pain, the boy managed to grin at his confused brother. He doesn't bother me with the bad days unless they're really bad and he's feeling depressed. Therefore, Nosedive and Wildwing sleep in the same room, because it would be so 'uncool' for Nosedive to hang around in Wildwing's room when he has his own. FF.net is probably still down, so I don't know when I'll be able to put this up. Simple logic, don't you think? And the best I probably ever will have. He was just a leader, nothing more. I bet he doesn't even remember it. A Girl. When I first woke up, before I was fully aware of my surroundings, the fear for my brother's safety assaulted my senses. There's so much he brings with his laughter. "Only if you wake him up." And it was sorta fun to scold one's big bro'. He's constantly in life-or-death situations, where one wrong move could have left him cold and dead. Speaking of being under attack, I thought I locked the door. After all, what is the point of winning a war if you forget how to truly live? *FINAL CHAPTER! . Soon his thoughts began to drift as he fell back into peaceful dreams. . It's because we try so hard to protect each other and we believe in each other. "Oh?" He lifted a hand to stroke Nosedive's cheek with the back of his fingers, his smile falling. Had you died, we would've all followed you." Wildwing looked up at Mallory just in time to see her frown as she took in which bed he was seated on. ." Mallory put a hand on his chest and shoved him back towards Nosedive's bed, so that he lost his balance and was forced to sit back down. Or at least through an internal connection?" "Don't worry, I will!" "He's the reason I get up in the morning. Usually they wouldn't curse like that, but after a few days of little or no sleep, wouldn't you be disagreeable? Which was when it tripped over the video controller in front of the huge screen television and fell down noisily. . Wildwing should've known that his little brother was planning something when he said that Wildwing should wait for his sandwich in bed. It was a startling realization on Nosedive's part, one that left him speechless as he stroked his brother's cheek gently, staring down at the sleeping mallard below him. But that doesn't happen very often either, which I'm very thankful for as well. Nosedive blinked and looked at Wildwing, a bit put out that his brother hadn't replied instantly. It was one realization that left him tired, and he found his more coherent thoughts slipping away as sleep started to overcome him once more. Nosedive muttered indistinctly and stirred a bit before settling down again, causing his brother to glance back at him. Mallory replied with a growl. Wildwing got bored easily just like his brother did. She replied, grinning wickedly. A thunk sounded from the hall, followed by a string of curses. She had expected it to be anything but soft. There's no other way I can describe the relationship we all share with each other, a sharing of a deep-rooted trust that only few ducks ever discover in their entire lifetimes. The team is much different now. Duke grinned. And his antics keep us from becoming too gloomy and depressed, making sure that we look to the future with hope. The others have become more than a little bit attached to him. Or at least something to tie up loose ends. . "Wildwing?" "And so would you." And she'd kill me if she ever knew I thought that. "We were all afraid you'd never wake up." He's used to chasing his kid brother around to keep him out of trouble." Wildwing glared slightly at her, laying down next to Nosedive, but not getting under the covers. . . See more from FaunaFox1. Wildwing raised an eyebrow at his brother, looking quite skeptical. . Smiling slyly, Mallory knew she had won even before she heard Wildwing's resigned sigh. Nosedive would never let me hear the end of it if he found out about that entire episode. If Wildwing and Mallory (Mighty Ducks;TAS) had a baby, what should it be? "You wouldn't do that to your team captain, would you?" Mallory continued. Sie kennt sich mit Waffen sehr gut aus und ist eine gute Kämpferin. "Nosedive shouldn't have to worry about Saurian's conquering the world or the safety of his teammates. And it clearly amused the others, especially Duke who also enjoyed play the "older brother" -- until Wildwing threw his pillow at him and Duke laughed, running out of the room before Wildwing decided to throw harder things at him. She placed her hands on her hips, looking so much like a scolding Tanya that it caused Wildwing to briefly wonder if Mallory was actually taking lessons from the other female duck. . And we're all still here, aren't we?? He just doesn't like people to know that, 'cause it kinda hurts his image, you know? The real reason I saved him was for me. My life would have been build around the hope that he still lived and it would've destroyed me when I found out that my hope had been for naught. (FINALLY!). He shouted at the being, not even registering who it was. "I thought you would be asleep . The show was a bit daft, but exciting as many others. Mallory snorted at that. it was kind of nice having someone else doing all the worrying for a change. How many times had Wildwing sat by his side, like this, at night? The duck sighed again after a minute of staring at his brother and gently lifted a hand to run it through the boy's hair once more. ". "Yeah, yeah, I know!" "Forget the console, let's just play Diablo." "You know, Wildwing, it would've been easier to keep you in bed if you had just broken your foot when you stubbed it." Mallory walked over to the bed and yanked the covers from under Wildwing, throwing them over the duck as she chuckled. . It helps me get up in the morning knowing that I have to wake up Nosedive so he's ready for practice on time and that he always rants about his days to me. "AFTER we get you back in bed, before Tanya finds out you're not resting and blows a gasket." Prev Main Gallery Download Next. His bemused thoughts were interrupted when Mallory finally spoke. "Tanya?" I think he wants to do something with another person." Nosedive was happy and healthy, which was what Wildwing had always wanted the most, and why he always had to make sure that his life wasn't a dream. All that much of us has died yet. needed, especially after those nightmares stopped after first. Wildwing could be then and there they all left, shutting the door their! He 's come through for us so many times to leave the team, nothing.... Quickly dissipating, and he 's a bit before settling down again, and was... Burying her face in her hands, groaning, able to put this up, just do own... 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