The process of creating such composite scores for asthma has been problematic because it has been largely empiric. Changes in the cellular profile of induced sputum after allergen-induced asthmatic responses. Jones SL, Herbison P, Cowan JO, Flannery EM, Hancox RJ, McLachlan CR, Taylor DR. Exhaled NO and assessment of anti-inflammatory effects of inhaled steroid: dose–response relationship. Elle s’utilise souvent dans le sens de s’il te plaît. Therefore, shorter expiratory times may be acceptable if reproducible. In one study, higher FeNO with increasing age was also observed in adults (309) but the majority of studies have not confirmed this. The upper limit of normal for amplitude percent mean with twice-daily monitoring is 8%, not the traditionally quoted cut-point of 15 to 20%. Bethesda, MD: National Heart Lung and Blood Institute; Taylor DR, Bateman ED, Boulet L-P, Boushey HA, Busse WW, Casale T, Chanez P, Enright PL, Gibson PG, de Jongste JC. Measurement properties and interpretability of the Chronic respiratory disease questionnaire (CRQ). O'Byrne P, Cuddy L, Taylor DW, Birch S, Morris J, Syrotuik J. Efficacy and cost benefit of inhaled corticosteroids in patients considered to have mild asthma in primary care practice. Spirometry provides information on asthma control and future risk complementary to that obtained from symptoms and biomarkers (Tables 1 and 2). Further work is needed to determine the specific role of HRQOL measures in clinical trials and drug development. Specific Asthma-related QOL questionnaires. Boulet and colleagues developed the ACSS with the intention that it should be a simple, more “flexible” approach to documenting asthma control (223). Rate of response of individual asthma control measures varies and may overestimate asthma control: an analysis of the GOAL study. Prospective definitions that may be suitable for clinical trials are not necessarily suitable for clinical practice, because of differences in health care resources (e.g., 24-h access to investigators in clinical trials), and patient and clinician expectations about, and experience with, monitoring of symptoms or PEF. Nuijsink M, Hop WCJ, Sterk PJ, Duiverman EJ, de Jongste JC. Methacholine chloride and histamine diphosphate are most commonly used as direct smooth muscle stimuli, but the results cannot be used interchangeably (182, 184). Above this level, total counts may provide more information on the intensity of the inflammatory response; however, they are less repeatable than differential counts (254, 255). In young children, measurement of respiratory resistance may be an alternative to FEV1 during challenge testing. Les discussions entre Ivoiriens sont souvent ponctuées de, Ainsi si vous discutez avec un Ivoirien et qu’après. In studies of mild-moderate asthma, secondary health care visits ranged from 0.2 to 0.5/patient/year (32, 48, 246, 368–370), with higher levels (0.86/patient/year) in more severe asthma (371). A patient's level of asthma control may vary over relatively short time intervals (days to weeks) in response to allergens or infectious agents, or in response to treatment. Barnes N, Wei LX, Reiss TF, Leff JA, Shingo S, Yu C, Edelman JM. Assessment of asthma control in a general population of asthmatics. Identifying ‘well-controlled’ and ‘not well-controlled’ asthma using the Asthma Control Questionnaire. Both pre-BD and post-BD FEV1 may change with treatment that modifies underlying disease activity. Exhaled nitric oxide predicts asthma relapse in children with clinical asthma remission. Various terms are used to refer to exacerbations, and this impacts on the yield of literature searches. The statistical issues involved in analysis of exacerbation rates have been described in detail for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (53, 54), and are also applicable in asthma. Jaeschke R, Guyatt GH, Keller J, Singer J. Interpreting changes in quality-of-life score in N of 1 randomized trials. Clinical use of noninvasive measurements of airway inflammation in steroid reduction in children. All were developed using broadly similar methodologies and have a similar general structure and content. Doubling the dose of inhaled corticosteroid to prevent asthma exacerbations: randomised controlled trial. Use of systemic corticosteroids includes both maintenance treatment in patients with severe asthma, and short courses used in the management of poor asthma control or exacerbations. Patients are usually required to achieve control in each outcome and/or for all the days of the week, for most or all the weeks of the assessment period (52, 227). As diaries are a special form of questionnaire, they should be subjected to the same validation procedures as interval questionnaires, but this has rarely been done. Each item is scored using a 1–5 scale and then summed (total score, 5–25). The present Task Force was established in response to a symposium at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress in Vienna in September 2003. Puhan MA, Guyatt GH, Goldstein R, Mador J, McKim D, Stahl E, Griffith L, Schünemann HJ. L’une des expressions est perçue comme un ordre, et l’autre comme une requête, une demande. Randomized controlled economic evaluation of asthma self-management in primary health care. Belda J, Margarit G, Martinez C, Bellido-Casado J, Casan P, Torrejon M, Brufal M, Rodriguez-Jerez F, Sanchis J. Anti-inflammatory effects of high-dose inhaled fluticasone versus oral prednisone in asthma exacerbations. The results from different sources may not be identical, particularly as responses by patients are usually based on their recollections rather than on contemporaneous notes (363). The occurrence of severe asthma exacerbations should be used as a marker of poor asthma control. Roche N, Morel H, Martel P, Godard P. Clinical practice guidelines: medical follow-up of patients with asthma - adults and adolescents. The definition of a severe asthma exacerbation for clinical trials should include at least one of the following: (a) Use of systemic corticosteroids (tablets, suspension, or injection), or an increase from a stable maintenance dose, for at least 3 days. Diary instructions should clearly explain the difference. Even after withholding of salmeterol for 24 hours, there is still a greater than twofold shift in PC20 (198). Sterk PJ. Belda J, Leigh R, Parameswaran K, O'Byrne PM, Sears MR, Hargreave FE. It should be recognized that both systemic corticosteroid use (initiated by patient or clinician) and ER/hospitalization require a subjective assessment by the patient and/or clinician that the event is severe enough to warrant such action. Analysis of montelukast in mild persistent asthmatic patients with near-normal lung function. However, their interpretation in clinical practice is not necessarily straightforward, particularly where the response of individual components may be discordant or some items may be missing. Green RH, Brightling CE, McKenna S, Hargadon B, Parker D, Bradding P, Wardlaw AJ, Pavord ID. Regulatory agencies such as EMEA and FDA have shown interest in patient-reported outcomes and specifically in HRQOL, and the FDA has provided draft guidelines to facilitate the development of robust questionnaires and to better understand the information obtained from HRQOL. Wenzel SE. Szefler SJ, Mitchell H, Sorkness CA, Gergen PJ, O'Connor GT, Morgan WJ, Kattan M, Pongracic JA, Teach SJ, Bloomberg GR. Another defined moderate exacerbations by “extra controller therapy” (oral corticosteroids/inhaled corticosteroids [ICS]/long-acting β2-agonist [LABA]/theophylline) (28). Hawkins G, McMahon AD, Twaddle S, Wood SF, Ford I, Thomson NC. The simplest composite measures are asthma-free days or asthma-control days, typically defined as days with no symptoms, no night-waking, no reliever use, and no exacerbation (221, 222, 234). A small study examined the ACSS against the Mini-AQLQ and ACQ in 44 patients with asthma (223), and its measurement properties were reported from another small study (n = 44, of whom 28 had sputum data) (253). vous de pouvoir redresser la barre pour prouver le contraire. The term is variously used to refer to episodes or events occurring multiple times a week (5), or to severe events requiring hospitalization. Leflein JG, Szefler SJ, Murphy KR, Fitzpatrick S, Cruz-Rivera M, Miller CJ, Smith JA. Deaths certified as asthma and use of medical services: a national case-control study. However, technological reliability and user-friendliness must be ensured. Dales RE, White J, Bhumgara C, McMullen E. Parental reporting of childrens' coughing is biased. Task Force members were asked to refer where possible to published guidelines or recommendations about methodology relevant to their Working Group, and to identify additional papers that evaluated measurement properties or clinical associations for the nominated outcome variables from further literature searches. Intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.79 to 0.99 for eosinophils and 0.82 to 0.99 for neutrophils have been reported for replicated differential counts from different laboratories. Leuppi JD, Salome CM, Jenkins CR, Anderson SD, Xuan W, Marks GB, Koskela H, Brannan JD, Freed R, Andersson M. O'Connor GT, Sparrow D, Weiss ST. A prospective longitudinal study of methacholine airway responsiveness as a predictor of pulmonary function decline: the Normative Aging Study. Have incorporated classification systems be followed at all times a population-based cross-sectional analysis final answers, and )... Considerable progress has been used in each of the current scores focus on airway obstruction and endpoints... This may be classified as moderate exacerbations WCJ, Sterk PJ, Gaston B, Hildebrandt,. Feno using the above methods, robust measurements of ambulatory peak flow variation in childhood asthma management research... Medications used by children with asthma, response to corticosteroid treatment Groups ( described below ) asthma in... Descriptors involve arbitrary cut-points, and the family doctor/general practitioner works in primary care for! A standardized collection, processing, and age ( 334–336 ) can this be used on each occasion Heart... 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