The first night there may be some throbbing, but ibuprofen or acetaminophen should be sufficient to keep the pain under control. If you have some underlying disease like diabetes or peripheral vascular disease then healing may take longer. I still soaked. I think my experience has been a bit different in the UK but this is what happened with me. I had my R-big toe nail removed this past Weds by a Podiatrist.The surgery did not hurt and I would recommend having this done by a specialist NOT a PCP..My nail had a fungus infection and was badly ingrown, so the whole nail had to be removed.I read where this can be inherited (the shape of your nails) as my Aunt also had the same problem. If you are also having *GENITAL & SIMPLEX HERPES... or need cure to diseases/viruses like.. *EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS *PREDIABETES/DIABETES/DIABETES MELLITUS... *MENINGITIS... *MERS-CoV... *HIV... *LEISHMANIASIS... *LOW SPERM COUNT... *SHIGELLA INFECTION... *SYPHILLIS *CANCER... *LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTION... *STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS... *HEPATITIS... *SHINGLES... *YELLOW FEVER... *POLIO... *LUPUS... *STROKE... *FIBROID... *EPILEPSY... *TUBERCULOSIS... *LEUKAEMIA... *SICKLE CELL... *ASTHMA.. Can't wait to be active again. after four courses of lamisal i had all ten toenails removed under anesthisia. Do you want to achieve the same results without nail fungus pills? The only advice I was given was to keep it bandaged and do not get it wet for about a week. I hope I heal completely soon. Also your right, he may be able to lance that pus sac. Keep clean, soaking as instructed, antibiodic-cream, yet they will not heal. Day 10 post procedure not in pain but discomfort. Fungus was deep below the nail bed that is why I could not get rid of it. i am completely free from GENITAL HERPES VIRUS,i recommended him to a family friend having Simplex Herpes virus, He called me and told me he is also cured completely. He removed some debris from the sites. Again, while this may be unsettling for the reader to contemplate, it is almost painless. Not to let them dry. It took at least 9 injections to deaden my toe so I would feel it. I let 8 hrs lapse only once since then cuz I feel it wearing off when it gets close to 7-8hrs. In order to wear sandals, I will apply fake nails, but as Shon stated, I don't have anything to attach the fake nail to and the nail glue doesn't really hold onto the skin. I have been told not to wear socks, shoes or boots by the surgeon until they are more healed but it's getting really cold in sandals so I may have to try some sort of closed footwear. Its a swollen bubble next to my toenail with swollen bubbling all along the side and top, as with a swollen bubbly line going down my toe :( its so stressful for me.. Last night, 11/15/09, I put on my tennis shoes and went shopping and out to eat with NO problems whatsoever. post surgery and still can't wear anything but sandals Quite a trick considering I live in the northeast.I'm totally exasperated at this point, yet I'm still trying to be optimistic and hope it heals soon. X I will wait. I don't see how the swelling will disappear anytime soon. SOME TIME IT STICKS AND IT DRIVES ME F*CKING NUTS!!! This whole process is known as ‘Wedge resection’ or simple surgical ablation, and it is non-permanent because it allows the nail to regrow from the matrix. Also refer to some of the home remedies mentioned above. going to be long recovery. From Grace, Jo glad you went back to your doc for the infection under your scab I am the guest who posted I thought you had an infection keep a close eye on it though infections can become night mares I have being deal with this nightmare for 14 months, Jimbo, I really feel sorry for you, do you have any family that may do your dressings for you? I had all 10 toenails removed last Sept and Oct. My right foot healed up in 7 weeks with no pain at all. are they suppose to be that way? I had my big toenail took off on Wednesday, the injectons killed, my toe does not hurt its where I was injected, hurts the most. I don't know what wuill happen with the side of my toe that's really sore, bubbled and leaking some pus.. I did only need to take it a couple of times, but man.....I would be calling the dr. Just had 1 toenail removed yesterday. Also, I've been advised to cover my toes when I'm away from home, but leave them uncovered as much as possible at home. Thank you. I had the thick nasty nails that hurt if you just bumped them. This is the best thing Iever done.It use to hurt to put socks on. Saw my podiatrist every wk for 4 wks and every other after that until end of 8 wks. I have had to take two rounds of antibiotics due to infection only in one of the toes. I still need to have left big toe nail removed. I put some peroxide on it when I took the bandage off and that didn't hurt, but it turned white and was obviously full of bacteria. Also, if you can keep your foot dry and clean all the time, remove the dressing and just keep the Betadine on your wound, let it dry in the sun and it will provide a coating for your wound. I contribute some of the pain and healing to my being a diabetic. I was finally able to get a tennis shoe on at about the 7 week mark. Was hoping that I would be playing after 4 or 5 weeks but I'm heading towards 6 weeks and still not healed. I am a Podiatrist. About four years later unfortunately I had a bad pedicure where the nail was cut too short and not repaired correctly which resulted in the toenails once again starting to get ingrown. =). Kimmy, sounds like you have a very simular experience to me, after weeks of infections and alot of discomfort my scab finally came off with a little help on Sep 12, after my proceedure on June 30th! Returned to the doctor on March 3 for a follow up. The general rule with stopping the use of band-aids or dressings is when the drainage/oozing stops. Alright so I took the plunge and got a partial nail avulsion (with phenol). OMG! I cannot. I still have a long way to go as now that it is healing it is getting touchy. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. The bubble on the side of my toe actually made a hole itself and leaked pus and blood, now I am in the worst pain and cannot even walk. I work in a school, so I really don't want the toes exposed to all those little prying eyes so this was what I had to do. My surgery was done under sedation on Friday the 25th of july. Oh one question is it best to have a foot spa to soak your feet in? With the first toenail removed, I did the soaks with epsom salts and used betadine disinfectant to clean it as directed. First operation was a partial removal, I believe one third removed. Depending on the thickness of your nail, you may need to reheat the pin several times and repeat the melting at the same spot on your nail each time. The printout that was given to me for post-op care said approx 5 weeks for healing. I had a hematoma on my big toe on my right foot. I cry all the time from the pain. Last update after Dec 16th 2010. I just had one of mine removed yesterday because it was nothing but problems no matter what I did. I had the same thing happen to me...I eventually had to permantly remove my toe nail. I am in week 3 of the most pain I have ever experienced. My problem came from an injury, where an old antique glass vase fell from a shelf and smashed my toe! I've been essentially pain free after 24 hours post op, I'd do it again without hesitation. I used gauze and tape for three days, then switched to just big ban-aids for a couple of days. I wear flipflops and sandals all the time now. I don't kno if the pain is from the pus sac under my skin (if ther is onew I'm assuming because of the pus leaking/bubble of skin) or if the doctor didn't remvoe my toenail rite and its still irritating my toe? Thank you for the blog, I wish I had read it before. I dropped something heavy on my toe and it hurt for a while so it now has dried up blood under the toenail. It doesn't scrape though. I'm vain, I guess. My right toe looks well on its way to being healed but the left toe looks gruesome as hell. why so much oozing comming out after my toenail removal? anyone who is putting off this procedure i say get it done bcause walking around with ingrowing toe nails is no fun ! I was told it would work it's way out whatever it is. The press ons WILL fall off, tho, so keep an eye out! I have a ingrown toenail that kept coming back on the right side of my big toe even after the doc went in and cut it back. I had toenail removed on right foot 3 yrs ago..three weeks to heal and its over no more ingrown toenails, no more pain. The procedure didn't hurt but I got a staph infection on day 4 and had antibiotics for 7 days. Thank u very much. It has been 37 days and my toe still continues to ooze, ever so slightly. Over the years my feet now has problems as the tendons in that area are always sore. This can help minimize any swelling and pain you may experience. How long does it stay reddish? Showering with a plastic bag and waterproof tape on my foot got old real quick, and I am SO glad that is over! In spite of this, I still felt it a little bit. The first night was horrible I was in so much pain. After 5 weeks of oozing and pain the doctor applied some sort of purple dye to them and now they are finally scabbing but feel very tight. My wound closed in 11 days, by this time it had a hard scab/coating over it. I am in severe pain, and have been for the past 3 or 4 days. I am taking heavy duty pain relief (TRAMADOL/ACETAMINOPHEN) at night but during the day I go to work and get this even wear steel toed boots. Today, 4-16-10, I still have a small scab on the nail bed which should be gone by June. I boldly went with the double big toe permanent removal on 5/5/11. He didn't really give me any care instructions besides neosporin and keeping it wrapped. LOL, sorry. It is only the second day but I figure if its gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt on the day/day after. Hope you all recover soon! I went home after work and mainly kept it elevated. We are back together. Someone suggested going to Skechers to see if I can find a nice, comfortable open toe sandal. Anyway, I am grateful to finding this website. Sure, there is tenderness where the nail used to be...but then again, it's "only" tenderness. From what I have been told, it will take about 2 months before it is completely healed. Mistake of stopping the use of band-aids or dressings is when the drainage/oozing stops people throughout the years with removed! Had surgery to permantly remove my toe of plz Shari Forschen, NP MA... Information about the recovery process all when walking but still have a nice day is needed to open to! Came from an injury start it on things about 3-4 months for the permanent thing, is the! In awhile dos it tak 2 recover b4 u cn play soccer a bandage. Fungus August 10 would dread it horrible procedure. dead and has been unremarkable and other than flops! 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