Social revolution (against the political "father") as parallel to Oedipal revolt on the level of the family? Although Kafka’s third-person narration maps out the circumstances of Georg’s life with considerable detail, “The Judgment” is not really a sprawling work of fiction. George in the letter is reluctant of telling about the conditions at home and his follow-up for his friend to come back home. The story was created seven days after the two had met. Kafka's text thus presents us with an either/or situation in which neither alternative is satisfactory; one leads to guilt and death (Georg), the other to celibacy (or worse? Furthermore, “Given these facts, could one think that he would really advance himself here?” (Kafka 2) He thinks that this would have been a form of criticism to his failure (Marxist lens). Does she imply a homoerotic relationship between Georg and the friend? 4) Freudian theory can also explain why Georg accepts the father's condemnation and carries out the sentence: Georg has introjected the authority of the father in the form of his own authoritarian and disciplinary super-ego. The father asserts that he is aware of the friend but accuses George of being a traitor to his friend. These nodal points function much in the manner of "Freudian slips"; they are parapraxes of speech or thought (on the level of the character or protagonist) transferred to the text itself. Kafka's self-described mode of literary creation conforms closely with the notion of a spontaneous creativity, unhampered by rational constraints, that is propagated by Freud. The father's accusations against Georg are confirmed. It presents a. How would you sum up the way Georg feels about his father? How can we explain the existence and role of this character from the perspective of Freudian theory? Episode about the "Russian Revolution" and friend's experience of a Priest inciting a mob to violence. Georg feels intense rivalry and hostility toward his father, but also identifies with him in the sense that he wants to take the father's place: Georg imitates the father. Or do you read “The Judgment” as a story that, instead of aiming at a specific satiric target, simply aims to shock and entertain its readers? At this point, George hopes that his father will fall and die although he does not believe in the revelations (psych lens). We as interpreters must "analyze" and explain these parapraxes as "symptoms" of the genuine feelings of Georg Bendemann. The configuration father / mother / friend is structured in contrast and opposition to the configuration father / mother / Georg. Better than most of his stories, "The judgment" reflects Kafka's haunted mind, which, taking perfection and intensity of experience as its goal, races through the plot. Georg flees the scene. (As an author, Kafka was not averse to simultaneously talking about foreign locations and keeping them at a distance. Yet the situation should not be so straightforward for Kafka’s reader. 2) How can we comprehend the course of the narrative? The author instead of addressing the series of questions arising from the text in the conclusion, he raises yet more enigmas. 3) Is this relationship typical of the relations Georg entertains with other people in general? Now, instead of submitting to Georg’s favors, he gleefully reproaches Georg for “strutting through the world, finishing off deals I had prepared for him, bursting with triumphant glee and stealing away from his father with the closed face of a respectable business man!” (61). Hermann Kafka was a well-off businessman, and a figure who inspired a mixture of intimidation, anxiety, and grudging respect in his sensitive son Franz. Kafka may be referring to the Russian Revolution of 1905. The letter that George writes to his friend is striking because he only mentions the main purpose of writing the letter at the very end: his engagement to a wealthy woman (materialistic lens). The text is constituted as a reflection of this ambivalence, as a semantic complex that reveals 2 vastly different intentional or psychological planes, the "manifest" and the "latent" content, to use Freud's terminology. (p. 79; note Georg's "symptomatic" gesture with the letter, p. 81, which he only partially reveals, then conceal again.) (Historical allusion: "Bloody Sunday" massacre, St. Petersburg, January 1905: Father Georgy Gapon.) As the father triumphantly states the case to Georg, “he knows everything a hundred times better than you do yourself, in his left hand he crumples your letters unopened while in his right hand he holds up my letters to read through!” (62). (p. 85) What does this scar mean? Characterized by unconscious malice? Georg's letters to his friend as prototype of his psychic constitution = he alludes to events, but refrains from being wholly honest, and we arrive at his true meaning only by reading against his intentions. Yet Kafka was well versed in certain Russian authors, particularly Dostoevsky. THE JUDGMENT Page 2 of 15 t was a Sunday morning at the most beautiful time in spring. The father questions the existence of Georg's friend and admonishes his son to be honest, not to deceive him. Family values? Georg has replaced his father in the family business; Georg essentially seeks to supplant the father on various fronts: The German word "Verkehr," meaning commerce, intercourse, sexual interaction, communication, social contact, fuses all these various dimensions into one semantic node; it is the last word of the text, the "traffic" that covers over the sound of Georg's fall from the bridge. 1) To pursue this line of interpretation we must understand the text not as a realistic account of events in the world, but rather as a psychic text, a projection into fictional space of Georg's psychological landscape. Dialectic of revelation and concealment? (p. 80) What does Freida mean? His friend lives in isolation back in the foreign land and George had noted in his previous visit that was extremely yellow perhaps due to a latent infection (queer lens). But as the story progresses, Georg’s life takes a bizarre turn. On the wooden bridge leading from the main road to the The long-term fight that has exists between John and his father leads him to wage even a greater battle within himself. Though they are bound together by the family firm, Georg does seem to hold most of the power. III. By Franz Kafka (1915) The Metamorphosis This text is a translation from the German by Ian Johnston, Malaspina University-College Nanaimo, BC. George’s friend who lives in a foreign country and Frieda Brandenfeld, George’s fiancée are also caught up in the events of the story. The father's "No" in answer to Georg's question about whether he is "well covered up". The man thinks about it and then asks if he will be allowed to come in sometime later on. We as readers are presented outwardly with Georg's consciousness, his self-justifications, but we also witness, if we dig deeper, how Georg withholds information from himself, from his father, and from his friend. Unlike the interior monologue of "Gustl" and the first-person narrative structure of "Country Doctor," "The Judgment" is told in the third person. 1) Georg and the friend have a "peculiar relationship of correspondence" (p. 79) = not only their concrete "correspondence" in exchanged letters, but also a symbolic "correspondence" as inherently connected figures. Leaving so much unsaid which, Kafka felt, eluded his grasp as a writer, this style excites the reader's imagination and consistently drives him to question and comment. 1) On the surface, if read as a "realistic" fiction, "The Judgment" has a relatively simple, but nonetheless seemingly contradictory story line. (p. 83) This historical rebellion against Czar Nicholas II couched a demand for better labor conditions behind a pseudo-religious appeal. George’s friend who lives in a foreign country and Frieda Brandenfeld, George’s fiancée are also caught up in the events of the story. The writing method that he used for this bleak tale became one of the standards that he used to judge his other pieces of fiction. IV. Or maybe Kafka has created a story that is more like a dream than a depiction of reality—a story where the most twisted, overblown, unthinking reactions make a kind of hidden, perfect sense. Are there any times when Kafka manages to be disturbing and humorous at the same moment. The way his father feels about him? VI. Father's rebellion against Georg's solicitations (p. 84). Father imitates Frieda’s sexual advances and reveals the scar from his "war wound." In his “Letter to My Father”, Kafka acknowledges his father’s “dislike of my writing and all that, unknown to you, was connected with it.” But as depicted in this famous (and unsent) letter, Hermann Kafka is also canny and manipulative. “The Judgment” depicts numerous conflicts both internal and external which leads to the final events of the story in which the main character executes the sentence rested on him by his own father. Note the relation to the "Sunday" on which this story takes place, and the proximity of names, Georgy and Georg. These nodal points expose the "true" meaning that underlies Georg's pleasant, solicitous facade. -- The narrative perspective of the story is that of Georg himself; we experience the tale as he experiences it; we view events through the filter or lens of Georg's own psyche.

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